I need new...Hunt vol2.0

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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 31: I need new...Hello Spring!

Heya Everyone,

First I'd like to welcome new Stores in our Group: KaiaGaia, [-BLUE SKY-] and DreamScape Inc. joined and will be participating today or soon.

But now...

We'd like to announce the weekend's Event

This Saturday & Sunday we have a half open Theme because all branches were allowed to join.
So let's welcome the new Season with...

I need new...Hello Spring!

Stop by at...

...for something new and have fun while Shopping and Grabbing the Bargains =)

Your INN-Team

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I need new...goes flickr

Ya, we go flickr. woot!

LoL, I just joined flickr and got addicted so I thought why not create a flickr group for the I need new...Community. This way YOU all can share your pics with items you got by shopping down the weekly lists.
Alright enough said, just check out the flickr group and have fun :P


Blue Sky creates and offers new ideas and original spaces, to live differently, second life.
Not only involved with the creation of houses and skyboxes,
but extends to the creation of furniture to personalize your intimate spaces,
or it deals with the creation of eyes and skin,
not only to give an original look to your space,
but also to your avatar, then to yourself.
Visit the Mainstore!


Soft jewel colours & textures.....natural woods & wicker....pottery & glass in complimentary gentle shades you will love....Beautiful low-prim furniture & accessories for your Second Life home! The KaiaGaia you love in a gorgeous quayside setting!

Take a Look at the cute Store, really worthy!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

WEEK 30: I need new...Ink

Heya everyone,

We'd like to announce the weekend's Event

This Saturday & Sunday the following Shops dropped out one of their Items to the Theme

I need new....Ink

So stop by at...

...for some great Tattoos and have fun while Shopping and Grabbing the Bargains =)

Your INN-Team

Saturday, March 5, 2011

WEEK 28: I need new...Footwear

Heya Everyone,

We'd like to announce the weekend's Event

This Saturday & Sunday the following Shops dropped out one of their Items to the Theme

I need new....Footwear
So stop by at...

4. DKD

...for new Shoes or Feet and have fun while Shopping and Grabbing the Bargains =)

Your INN-Team

Thursday, March 3, 2011

**SHINE** & [SE*Designz]

**SHINE** and SE*Designz are opening their neat Shopping Valley.

Come over and check out the Sim.
We also prepaired a little Hunt for you to explore this Placewatch out for some Flowers hidden all over the Sim.
Hope to see you around,

Love Foxdale & Stella Eaton

PS: you may recognize other stores of the INN-Family as well ;)